Universal Data Protection Impact Assessment (UDPIA)

The Lucid Privacy Universal Data Protection Impact Assessment (UDPIA) is a flexible worksheet for companies to identify and reduce the privacy risks of their data uses, wherever they operate

A genuine and thoughtful data protection / privacy impact assessment is one that:

  1. Describes the processing activity or set of related activities;
  2. Contemplates the benefits and tradeoffs of the processing;
  3. Identifies and describes all risks posed by a processing activity, especially if it presents a heightened risk of privacy harm to the individuals concerned;
  4. Documents the measures considered and taken to address or offset those risks through appropriate safeguards (i.e., through technical, organizational, and contractual measures); and
  5. Demonstrates accountability through stakeholder buy-in of the process and its outcomes.

By focusing on the above jurisdictionally agnostic goals, the UDPIA aims to be an interoperable tool that can meet the needs of most comprehensive assessments.

We will continue to update this document over time.

Download Universal Data Protection Impact Assessment Template