Pan-US Data Protection Impact Assessment (US DPIA)

The Lucid Privacy Pan-US Data Protection Impact Assessment is a holistic, unified worksheet for companies assessing privacy risks in-line with comprehensive US state privacy laws.

As of the date above, there are eight (8) US state privacy laws in effect or coming into effect in 2024-5 that obligate certain Controllers (Businesses under CCPA) to complete a DPIA (by any name). Each state offers slightly varying triggers and substantive requirements for a DPIA but otherwise overlap and generally align with GDPR DPIAs.

PLEASE NOTE, this Pan-US DPIA only covers finalized text and rulemaking as of the date above. For the sake of clarity, this document anticipates but does not explicitly include finalized requirements concerning CCPA Privacy Risk Assessments.
We will continue to update this document as policy making continues and additional states come on board.

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